"The Hot-Cold Syndrome and 

Symbolic Balance in Mexican and

Spanish-American Folk Medicine"

As a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, I conducted field research in Mexican folk medical beliefs and practices during the summers of 1963 and 1964 in the village of Erongarícuaro, Michoacán, on the shores of Lake Pátzcuaro in Central Mexico. This ethnographic field work was conducted under the auspices of U.C. Berkeley's Department of Anthropology. Funding was generously provided by the Research Committee of U.C. Berkeley, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. 

The article as reproduced below was first published in 

Ethnology,  Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 251-263, July, 1966.

Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023 Richard L. Currier, PhD. All Rights Reserved.